Join ARTrageous Brush & Flow for a fun-filled night! You and another participant will create a masterpiece by putting your 2 canvases together to become one.
Experience the pleasure of painting together. Enjoy some fun games, complimentary wine, while in good company, and take your relationship to the next level. Come together to have a night of fun painting and some games to complete the bond.
We do not discriminate between couples, so bring a friend, spouse or any significant other.
The two of you will receive your own canvas to create one masterpiece! How much fun!
No art skills needed and all supplies to Create (2) 11 x 14 stretched canvas to make one 11x28 masterpiece.
BYOB: Feel free to bring Beer & Wine ONLY (in original bottles).
*FOOD: Feel free to bring a small snack however SPACE IS LIMITED. Tables for food are shared space and are available on first come first serve. Please no coolers, large containers or serving trays. Pack for a picnic not a sit down dinner.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of time as painting will begin on time.